Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Tree Compromise...

It's a timeless, age old, never ceasing problem....

Colored lights, white lights....

Colored lights.....

White lights.....

Does your family debate this as much as my family does?  It's a tough problem to solve, your christmas tree can really set the tone for the whole to do??

I've heard some of our friends and family have an "every other year" system in place.  That works too... 

....unless it ain't your year dearie:)

SO.  This is the compromise my hubby came up with this year...and I LOVED IT! It's brilliant AND beautiful!

Check it out...

I mean...I gotta give props to the hubby! He decided to HECK with this indecision on the light bulbs...let's do them BOTH!  

So we wrapped the colored lights very close to the trunk of the tree all the way down.  It only took one strand, and it creates this awesome 3-D look in the end.  The white lights dominate as they wrap around the outside, but the colored lights twinkle and glow prettily from the inside.  I love it.  It may have to become a new staple in the Morreale household:)

There ya have it friends, a quick and fun Holiday How To.

I hope you have a Blessed and Merry Holiday Season... and a Happy New Year too:)

Love and cheer!